Anti-Valentine’s Day

We all know Valentine’s Day can either be a wonderful thing, or just downright terrible. For those of you who aren’t being smothered with cheesy gifts and affection this Valentine’s Day, you’re not alone.

Here are a few tips on how to turn what could potentially be a lousy holiday into a fabulous one.

Call up your single friends.

Having people in your life whose relationship status is equivalent to yours is very important, especially on days like this. So pick up the phone and invite all of your friends who are willing to join in on the anti-celebration with you. They probably need it just as much as you do. 

Indulge in snacks.

On this particular occasion, it’s okay to skip the gourmet cheeses and go straight for the sweet stuff. Ask each of your friends to bring a half-pint of their favorite flavor ice cream, and you could offer to provide the toppings. And if you all want to feel extra sweet, put out a jar full of Dove chocolates where each wrapper contains an encouraging message inside. Chocolate and words of affirmation? Hell yeah!

Wine & cocktails, of course.

What better to pair up dark chocolate with but a delicious, smooth red wine? Try Moda Talamonti, a 2012 Italian red suggested by the famous Zach Eidson, owner of a shop local to us called Oakley Wines. If not all of your guests are into reds, try Pannonica, a 2013 Austrian white with a scent of apricots, limes and roses. Both wines are provided for under $20 and can be found in most wine shops near you.

However, if you’re looking to get creative with your evening, check out the Living Room’s very own cocktail under the “Favorites” category.

Music that fits.

This is by far one of the best opportunities to break out the dusty karaoke machine that’s been sitting in the back of basement and really let loose. Yes ladies, this means you can rock out to Taylor Swift’s latest album in front of your friends guilt-free. Whether you’re a 90’s or an 80’s child, be as cliché as possible and sing along to all the oldies you can get your hands on. I’m talking from Michael Jackson to Bon Jovi to the Backstreet Boys. Don’t be shy!

Games, Games, Games.

It’s extra important to laugh today. Here are a few of our favorite games that are bound to take your mind of anything else but trying not to fall out of your chair.

Feel free to add your favorite alcoholic beverage to the mix; we sure did!

Cards Against Humanity

Apples to Apples

The Game of Things


Pick a movie that proves why being single has its perks.

If you’re looking for a movie with a beginning full of bittersweet romance and an ending with a lesson on being alone is a positive thing, try some of these old and new films that’ll make you feel confident riding solo.

Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012)

Blue Valentine (2010)

500 Days of Summer (2009)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

High Fidelity (2000)

Annie Hall (1977)

Treat yourself for being so awesome.

Buying things for yourself may cause little more harm to your wallet, but who knows your style better than you? Sure, receiving gifts from a significant other is always a nice (free) gesture, but it’s not always something we actually want… So go ahead to your favorite store and purchase the most amazing thing that catches your eye. You earned it.

Love yourself.

Don’t let one day out of the year get you down. Instead, take it as a reflection of how wonderful you are, with or without a significant other. Take pride in all the amazing things you do and pat yourself on the back for it.

So sit back, eat a cookie (or five), and enjoy this new, self-satisfying holiday we call Valentine’s Day.