LR Introduces La Terza Coffee


We are so excited to announce the Living Room’s newest coffee provider, La Terza! We spent one morning at their Artisan Coffee Roasterie, learning all there is to know about the craft behind their brand. Led by Master Roaster Roberts Mbabasi, we observed and tasted (of course) all different types roasts and blends in search of a perfect and unique taste that fits our own flavorful and warm feel behind the Living Room.


Florists in Cincinnati


-Arrangement by designer Jessica Copp

This city is booming with creative minds, and flowers have been quite the outlet for humans to express that creativity! Whether you are searching for that special arrangement, looking to hire a florist to transform space, or simply creating a little something special for someone you care about (see above), here are some tips and tricks to get the ball rolling in the right direction:


Oakley Wines

Oakley Wines is a small, modern shop in Cincinnati, OH located in the heart of Oakley Square. There you can find a large hand-picked selection of young wines under $20 from around the world that don’t ask for age to be enjoyed. However, if the higher-end wines are more your style, our buddy and owner Zach Eidson’s got ’em too, right alongside some sparkling wines and local craft beer.


Holiday Shopping

There is a ton of shopping to do around the holidays. Traveling to the mall, the wine shop, and boutiques looking for perfectly thoughtful gifts. You are the Christopher Columbus of our time!

Manning your way through holiday crowds, scouting out the last parking spot in the city and braving the cold, you have done your part. Santa would be proud. But even though Columbus was off exploring and discovering new things, and all the while sporting a kick ass hat, there’s no way he had time to put together a quick and easy holiday party.

So to keep you sane and give you some much needed time to kick up your heels with some hot cocoa, here is a list of all the things you need to set the table and they’re all from Target, because lets face it, Target is the best. They’re pieces are stylish, affordable and on trend, so you know your table is going to be the talk of the town.

Top Florists in Cincinnati

This city is booming with creative minds. Whether you are searching for that a special arrangement or looking to hire a florist to transform a space, here are some tips and tricks:

High End for less:

Local grocery stores:

  • Surprisingly enough you can find some of the best flowers and greenery at your local market. The Hydrangeas at Trader Joes as well as the roses found at Kroger are wonderful budget friendly finds.
    • Extra Hint: ask the floral clerk at the Kroger to create customized arrangements with the flowers of your choice.

Local farms:

  • Some of the most beautiful arrangements can be created from wild flowers. Do a quick internet search to find local farms near you and reach out to the owners to ask about their offerings. I have known a few brides to create centerpieces and even a bridal bouquets from wild flowers hand picked right from their own community.

The whole package:

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