Overcoming your fear of selling

For most of us, selling for the first time is a terrifying hump to get over. It’s intimidating, overwhelming, and easy to feel completely out of place.

The first time I set out to sell for the Living Room was exactly one of those times.


To Sell Is Human Review

Selling is a human trait. It is an instinct we are all born with, we just need to learn how to wield it. The book To Sell is Human makes “selling” seem less like a used car salesman speech and more like a sincere and meaningful encounter.

New Years Resolutions

New Years resolutions, otherwise known as the tradition of breaking promises.

Many people today choose to change things in their life that they have trouble maintaining, therefore it tends implode within the first few months.

Instead of breaking your promise this year, break the tradition and choose the achievable! Below is a list of practical, beneficial, and fun ways to start your new year!

Commit to crossing one thing off your bucket list.

If you don’t have a bucket list, make one.

Texting and driving.

Stop! Stay alive!

Do (at least) one thing for someone else. Then, ask them to pass it along!

Some ideas include buying the food for the person behind you at a drive-thru restaurant, giving money to someone in need, or inviting someone who could use good company over for dinner.

Break out those kitchen appliances you’ve always had but never used.

Bread oven, slow cooker, quesadilla maker; you name it!

Try five new foods.

Get creative when you decide to go out and even when you cook at home!

Make a travel jar.

Save for ONE specific place to go this year, and do it.

Educate yourself in something you know nothing about.

Sign up for a photography class, practice meditation, or read a book about astronomy. The world is full of amazing things, why not become familiar with as much of it as you can?

Volunteer more.

Seriously, go ahead and Google “volunteer opportunities in my area.” I dare you!

Learn to take care of something new that’s living.

This resolution could range from an actual human being to a small plant that requires little water and sunlight. Either way, find the line and go for it.

Pick one thing about yourself you want to do better, and work on it.

It’s easy to complain about that one thing we see in ourselves we dislike the most. Instead of sulking, take action!